Swamiji | :- | There is neither death nor birth, neither a bound nor a struggling soul- this is the ultimate truth. |
Feminist | :- | An interesting thought! |
Swamiji | :- | Mira, what did you think of your readings of the book. |
Feminist | :- | Frankly, Swami, I'm very attracted to his teaching. But I found it too disturbing. |
Swamiji | :- | Is it because of this statement, "For all beings a human birth is difficult to obtain, more so is a male body; rarer than that is ..." |
Feminist | :- | I know it goes on. But I won't bother to finish it. |
Swamiji | :- | But you must, child. That's the crucial bit, about how liberation is reached. |
Feminist | :- | But I'm not going to. The point as far as I'm concerned is, what do you do with a women and one who will never be a upper cast? What happens to her knowledge? Is she just mere pollution? |
Swamiji | :- | I told you, Mira. Here, come and sit down. The male-female part was just a consequence of ... |
Feminist | :- | You mean people don't think like that now? Of course, They do! |
Conversation with a Priest; Swami and Feminist